BRING ON 2021!
Hello Dandies!
2020 has been the craziest year of my 29 years (and there were some bad ones) but it’s finally over! I’m excited about this, can you tell? I’m just hoping all the mishegoss doesn’t carry over too far into next year because I need it to work out. Fingers crossed and prayers up that it’s a better year for all of you as well.
So, What’s New?
I really want to connect with you all. I mean really. And Instagram and other social media platforms don’t allow me to do that as much as I’d like. I don’t even see half of my followers because they don’t see me, and I don’t get engagement because it’s much easier to scroll passed and hit the like button than to leave comments or share and etc. So, I’ve devised a solution that I hope works.
Introducing Dragon Dandy Forums! This will be a place for me and other Dandies to get to know each other, interact, and become a proper community! Think of it like a Facebook group without all the censorship and ever-changing policies. We can talk to one another and post things as responses as well! It’ll be really fun! To get to it, check out the new link in the navigation at the top of the page!
New Brand Reps!
I’ll be redoing my rep program for 2021 to start hopefully in Feb! The rules will be a little different this time as I have learned from passed feedback and mistakes what works and what does not, so I’m hoping it’ll still be fun, engaging, and work better for getting sales and engagement! If you’d like to apply you can find the application in the navigation as well. This is a new form, so even if you’ve already applied, please do so again. If you’ve already been a rep for Dandy once, you may apply again (since it’s been so long).
A Slowdown
So because I can’t yet live off of profits from Dragon Dandy, I have a 9-5 again which doesn’t leave me as much time for crafting and shipping. I try my best to ship during the week and work on things after work, but most likely, I’ll only be able to ship on Saturdays. This may slow things down to where you’re waiting the normal 5-7 business days before I ship things, then another 3-5 business days to receive it. If you need things to be done quickly, please talk to me and I’ll see what I can do for you. Otherwise, please keep this in mind. You can view my updated policies at any time to see any changes and to have any questions answered.
Custom Orders
I’ll still be taking custom orders, I love to make things for you. However, I’ll now be doing slots for them rather than taking them as will. This is not only because I want to make sure that I put the time and care into the things that I do, but I’d also like to see off my premade so I can get rid of all the supplies I have. I’d rather use them than sell them, so expect lots of cute things and more bundle deals! I also want to try and figure out a rewards program, but that’ll likely be in another update as it needs to be completely fleshed out before I go into it further.
I’d love to have a subscription service! I’ve always wanted one, like a Patreon or paid Ko-fi, but I can never figure out what to put on it or what sort of incentives you all would like. I’ll have a specific place in the forums for suggestions as well as you leaving comments on this post (must have an account on the site to leave comments) and this way we can all get what we want!
There are a lot of things that I’m hoping to accomplish this year, including finally going to the fair if I’m able. The table is expensive for a 10-day run, but absolutely worth it. So, on top of being able to take care of my dog’s health, I’m making that a goal, and anyone who helps me reach my goals gets to share in the rewards! Fingers crossed that this is going to be a great year!