• Updates

    The Dragon Dandy Den

    Introducing D3: The Dragon Dandy Den! Dragon Dandy’s first official membership club! I’ve always wanted to try this but held myself back for one reason or another. Now feels like the perfect time…

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    LA Comic Con 2024

    Exciting news! Dragon Dandy will be at LA Comic Con this year, taking place from October 4-6 at the LA Convention Center. If you’re attending, you’ll find me in South Hall at table…

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    Dandy Prime Day

    Dandy Prime Day is here! Check out the store for 15% off select items! Orders over $60 can get FREEN SHIPPING with the code DDPrime24 at checkout! You can also find the code…

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    Anime Nation Fest 2024

    I’m absolutely thrilled to announce my debut as Dragon Dandy at Anime Nation Fest! This three-day convention is a dream come true for me, combining my love for anime and tattoos in one…

  • Updates

    Hello, 2024!

    And hello Dandies! We’re now one month into the newest year and boy do I have some updates for you! Firstly, I was finally able to regain access to my Instagram account! After…

  • Updates

    Hello 2023!

    It’s a brand new year! And another year on the books for Dragon Dandy. Despite not being quite as active last year, I’m still around and ready to get back into the swing…