The Dragon
My name is Crystina and I’m a 31 year old small business owner. It started about seven years ago. I’ve always loved wearing hair accessories and felt that they distracted attention from how messy my hair looked or added a little bit of personality to my style. It came to a point where I could not only not find the kind I really wanted, but I could hardly even afford the ones I did find. So, I decided to make my own! With the encouragement of a friend, Dragon Dandy was born.
With merely A handful of start up supplies (a spool of ribbon, some scissors, and a few bobby pins) I was able to make a few bows that I could wear, and occasionally pass on to others who seemed to really like it. And now, here I am, a full fledged small business owner.
It’s not always rainbows and sparkles, however. Even though I do want to try my hand at having a successful business and making money, I’m also using this to do things like pay some bills and take better care of my aging dog whom I love with all of my heart. Any interest taken in my humble, small business is not only greatly appreciated, but rewarded to the best of my abilities. Thank you so much!
In 2021, I lost my precious baby girl, Koneko. She was my best friend for 11 yes and the main reason why I worked so hard at my business. Proceeds went towards her care and when she was around, she loved to help me craft. She’d sit on all the craft supplies to make sure they were study enough (an excellent quality checker) and when I wasn’t around, she’d guard them to make sure the nosier fur buddies around didn’t get their hands on it. She even modeled the doggy collars and bows that were made, and was the inspiration for the collection. Dragon Dandy will never be the same without this little helper.
Dana Dandy
Some of you may be wondering what the little thing in the Dragon Dandy logo is. Well, wonder no further! This little creature is the invention of another small shop called Galarples! So…the little mascot in the Dragon Dandy, named Dana, is a little creature not too much different than the ‘monsters’ you’d see on Sesame Street! She was made especially for me with a little pink bow on top and has been the face of Dragon Dandy since 2019. She goes with me to all my craft events too!